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Friday, September 7, 2012

SAT & ACT Test Dates for 2012-2013

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New ASPIRE Videos Coming

Thanks to support from the College Access Challenge Grant (CACG), ASPIRE has been working with Cogito and Attic Media to film four short videos about ASPIRE. These videos are designed to engage and educate students, community, parents, and partners about ASPIRE and how to participate, get involved, and support the program. 

In addition to the student- and community-focused videos, ASPIRE has created a video just for ASPIRE coordinators, featuring best practices of successful ASPIRE sites. Coordinators share their student recruitment methods as well as ways they recruit and recognize their volunteers. 

Look forward to seeing all the new ASPIRE videos on our website,, and help spread the message about ASPIRE and so these videos go viral.

Oregon Opportunity Grant Amount Increasing

Oregon Opportunity Grants for 2013-14

At its meeting on August 24, OSAC's Board of Commissioners approved Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG) award amounts and other components of the award formula for the 2013-14 academic year, as recommended recently by the OOG Advisory Group. The award formula for calculating students' OOG eligibility and award amounts is based on the Shared Responsibility Model. 

The priority application deadline for 2013-14 Oregon Opportunity Grants is February 1, 2013. 

OOG awards will increase from $1950 to $2000 with the same fixed award amount for all eligible students. 

OSAC will make awards until funds are exhausted, whether that occurs before or after the deadline date. Based on the most recent changes in the 12-month Consumer Price Index, we estimate that the basic student share portion of the SRM formula will increase by $100 - from $5,700 to $5,800. OSAC will finalize the actual student share after the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries announces the Oregon minimum wage for 2013 in mid-September. The assumed borrowing amount added to the student share for those attending public and private independent 4-year institutions remains at $3,000, so the student share is estimated to increase from $8,700 to $8,800.