Mentors All,
- School starts tomorrow, so I wanted to bring you up to speed on some of the things discussed at the first YCHS staff meeting of the year held last week.
- As ASPIRE mentors, you are used to wearing your name badges whenever you are at school. This year, it becomes essential for staff, as well as visitors, to wear ID badges. This is a means of stepping up security at all Oregon schools in the wake of the Kyron Homan disappearance from a Portland school earlier this year.
- The YC athletic department will no longer be preparing paper copies of our teams' game schedules. Instead, the schedules will be maintained, and will be viewable, at
- Breakfast-in-the-Classroom will be served earlier this year: It will be at 8:10 a.m.
- Push to renew efforts to use Tiger Tracks/Quick Slips to reward a student's positive behavior. Mentors -- you, too, are encouraged to use Tiger Tracks. I'll be glad to explain how they work if you are unfamiliar with them.
- This year's Student Planner has important school-related information on pages 9-29. The 2010-2011 Planner will be posted online as soon as it is available. Please be sure to read through these important pages.
- Lori Chamberlain is the new YC lead secretary, replacing Keri Dixon.
- Dian Harper, who worked in the YC counseling office half-time last year, joins us full-time in that department. She'll be the one who helps us with transcripts, forms, senior activities and local scholarships.
- Sherry Maynard has moved to the main office. She will continue as attendance secretary and main athletic scheduler as well as taking on new tasks as secretary duties are realigned.
- Susie Amerson will remain with the YC library half time; and also do work for the Dean of Students Rick Dunn, who joined the staff the end of last year, the Athletics Director and coaches. Her office has been relocated to the bottom floor near the counseling office. (Where Sherry's former office is.) YC is looking to make a hire for a part-time library aide as soon as possible.
- YCHS now has a wireless network!
The schedules are on (the post has both .net and .org)... john