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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Journal of College Admission

For a limited time, The Journal of College Admission is available online:

This is a publication of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors, a professional group serving both higher ed admissions staff and secondary school college counselors. You may know NACAC as the organizer of National College Fairs. Our regional affiliate, PNACAC, organizes smaller college fairs in Seattle, Portland and Boise each spring:

TODAY video: ‘Sunshine Girl’ series lands book, movie deals

Small town girl making a name for herself! 

I wanted to share news of Paige who graduated in 2012. The following clip is her interview from The Today Show which aired this morning.  Her novel comes out on March 24th and she has had 100 million hits on her YouTube channel The Haunting of Sunshine Girl which she writes and stars in.

 “The Haunting of Sunshine Girl,” a YouTube series by teen Paige McKenzie aimed at young adults, and was scooped up by movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, who’s reworking the shorts into a book. NBC’s Hallie Jackson reports.